Miracle Faith Book Launch
Access to the working of miracles—by faith
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Reviewers' Responses
“It’s relevant to identity and going deeper with the Lord in understanding the kingdom of heaven.”
JASON SCHLABACH, Founder/Director, Door of Hope Ministry, North Carolina
“This book holds a lot of the answers for the hungry, seeking, searching soul.”
BARB TROYER, Ladies Bible Study Group Teacher
“It really helped clarify and understand what God has and is doing in my life.”
STEFANIE MAST, Ladies Group Leader
“It’s a life changing challenge for anyone who is grasping for truth or bored with religion.”
WAYNE MILLER, Church Elder, Oasis Tabernacle
“I’m so thrilled about the excellent exposition of the Scriptures. I want my friends and anyone to come to the knowledge of these life changing truths.”
BETTY MILLER, Wife of Church Elder, Oasis Tabernacle
“This book gives very clear practical truths in order to receive and accept the next level of a faith that works no matter where we are in the journey.”
MATT YODER, Evangelist, South Carolina
“There are insights on the subject of faith that most people miss and they are explained in a way that makes it understandable. I believe it is an anointed work. I sensed the Spirit stirring and affirming this as I read.”
ROY TROYER, Writer/Blogger
“As in a lot of his sermons, it brings hope to the reader in the end. Hope in that ‘true living comes by dying'”.
ANNE WEAVER, Secretary, Oasis Tabernacle
“Your analysis of ‘poor in spirit’ is so on—it is a great spiritual privilege for me to review this book, it is so anointed of God and comes from the heart of God, I am overwhelmed in its understanding, that those reading the book who have been through the fire will understand it.
DAVID GRIFFITHS, Bible College of Wales, Scotland, UK
About Miracle Faith

When Wayne Weaver would read about ‘faith like a mustard seed’ in the Bible he always dismissed it as unattainable—until he began to take a closer look.
The Lord opened his eyes to see the deeper meaning.
This deeper understanding became the portal to a deeper faith—a faith to work miracles. The same kind of faith that prevails against mountains.
He also realized it’s available for everyone—everyone who believes.
About Wayne Weaver

WAYNE WEAVER is the founding pastor of
Oasis Tabernacle of Sugarcreek, Ohio. He has
been used of the Lord to bring revival to churches and individuals throughout the United States and
in other countries. He and his wife Martha have
four children and ten grandchildren.