Shepherded – Part 2

As we continue to learn about this subject of shepherding, we see that the description of true disciples is that of individuals transformed by the power and Word of God. This miraculous transformation completely changes the nature of the natural man into a divine nature that is spiritual and realistic. The new nature developed within a person changes him, and he becomes as a sheep desiring the presence of a higher source on whom it can depend. Many sincere children of God carry a deep concern that they would be led by the Spirit of God, which is part of the well-being of the saint. We must embrace this verse Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. With great carefulness we order our steps in the healthy fear of God. The idea that once we are led by the Spirit of God we become sons, is not arranged in the correct succession. Sons of God are led because within them they have an unquenchable desire to be led into a place of trust, following the voice of the Spirit.

From where does the voice of the Spirit proceed? It comes from the Spirit of God and must be discerned regardless through whom it is voiced. True Sons of God have moved beyond their own prejudice concerning whom they perceive to be carriers of His voice. God even used an ass to speak to Balaam. If we are still offended by the carrier of the true voice of God, then we will not be coherent to the sound of His voice and therefore will disregard the importance of being Spirit-led. The true discernment of the vessel being used is in the voice rather than what is spoken. John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. As the shepherd knows his sheep so the sheep know his voice. There is clear communication between the shepherd and the sheep. Let us never forget that one of Christ’s very close disciples spoke the words of Satan. He simply questioned the necessity of Jesus’ journey to the cross, and Jesus told Satan to get behind him. The suggestion from Satan through Peter was life without death; the voice of the Holy Spirit is life through death. The Holy Spirit brought spiritual glorification through resurrection in the body of Jesus after He died (never to die again).

The voice of the Spirit is what we must trust because it does not change. Man can change and camouflage their intention, but the tone, voice, and purpose simply cannot be disguised when it comes from the Holy Spirit. John 18:37 says that everyone that is of truth heareth His voice. Here we understand that if a man does not dwell in truth about himself and is living a counterfeit life, then he will not hear the voice of the Spirit of God. It is only the pure heart that receives tuning, like an instrument of music, on a constant basis. Abiding sin, preconceived ideas, and even dislikes will obstruct us from acknowledging the voice of the Holy Spirit.

True sheep are led by a voice that changes them. A great eternal division is described at the end of time; there will be a clear dividing. The dividing line is drawn between sheep and goats. Always be aware of loners in the kingdom. Through years of experience, I consider those who have not been under the spiritual care of a pastor to be dangerous people who are tossed, taken, and led by self—ruled by a deep root of some bitterness. These people are not clothed in true righteousness and holiness. Because of the distance they strive to maintain, they will follow those who do not necessitate personal discipleship. True sheep will seek to be discipled on a constant basis and will maintain a close relationship with their shepherd, desiring correction within. This is a healthy day-to-day experience that cannot be maintained by an author from a distance. Writings such as these cannot replace true discipleship and rubbing elbows in maintained relationship with the pastor who watches over your soul. This is God’s way of bringing personal spiritual development and is an absolute necessity for true discipleship. In the book of Jude we find those who have not learned discipleship God’s way. You cannot be discipled by a shepherd you cannot walk with. The disciples of Jesus walked with Him and communicated with Him constantly. Jesus corrected them, and they received His correction—all except the one who betrayed Him. Don’t be that one.

So, being disciples of Christ, we learn to walk under those called to lead and fulfill God’s necessity of discipleship within us. May I conclude further that a person will never add much value in the Kingdom of God, regardless of appearances, until he becomes a sheep who finds no offense in being shepherded? This wisdom is alone by God’s design. Hallelujah!